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All characters that are awarded are awarded as virtual characters on the Seasonal Server. These can be minted for use on the NFT server (See Minting NFTs).
Characters auto level up as you collect more of them. The required number of characters for each level can be seen below:
Characters can be leveled up an unlimited number of times. All levels from level 16 onwards require an additional 3000 characters from the previous level.
Characters will only auto-level as far as the rarity of your character allows. By default your characters start as common rarity which have a level cap of 10. You will need to pay a one-off fee of 150 gems to upgrade to uncommon, which will then let you level between 10-20 as shown in the table below:
Rarities upgrades must be paid once per character, these reset on the Seasonal Server but are permanent on the NFT Server.
Rarity upgrades are account bound and cannot be traded.