Your First Match
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The battle takes place across three lanes. When you place a troop, it will appear next to your allied Hero, marked by the green circle in the graphic. Your goal is to deploy troops to attack the enemy Hero, represented by the red circle. Once placed, your troops will automatically move toward the enemy Hero, following the direction shown by the green arrow.
The troops available to you are dealt randomly from your deck. In the graphic, the cards you can play are shown in the orange box. You can hold up to seven cards at a time; in this example, the player has three empty slots.
To deploy a troop, you need card mana, displayed in the lower-left corner (purple box). This player has 2 mana, allowing them to place only the highlighted cards, Boudica or Lancer, as their mana cost is 2 (indicated in the top-left corner of the card).
If this player wants to place Ulrich or Wolf Pack, they’ll need to wait a few seconds for their mana to regenerate. The battle will end when either the player or the enemy hero is defeated. Win or lose, you will be given XP based on the amount of mana you spent placing cards. This will help you level up your Battle Passwhere you can earn more Characters and Green Gems.